It is vital that you look after your own health and well-being at sea and ashore. Make healthy, nutritious food choices and ensure a balanced diet consisting of carbohydrates, protein, fat and fibre, vitamins and minerals with minimum levels of salt, fat and sugar.
Proper nutrition, along with adequate rest and sleep, regular exercise and good hygiene help to prevent diseases and improve health overall. Access to healthy food options and variation are cornerstones of healthy food on board. View the Healthy Food advice document by clicking on the 'view pdf' button above
This publication is offered to you as part of the Club's partnership with ISWAN to support their Seafarers Health Information Project (SHIP), an initiative that promotes and distributes health information materials to shipping companies, seafarers’ centres, and direct to seafarers.
The project consists of 10 core topics: food safety, on-board fitness, safe travel, healthy food, malaria, weight control, STI – HIV & Aids, mental care, dental care and skin care. Explore the other topics.