Update on piracy attacks
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- Update on piracy attacks
The Club would like to remind Members of the risk of exposure to attacks while transiting high piracy areas. Since June 2017 the Club has recorded four separate piracy related incidents off the coast of Nigeria and Malaysia. These attacks resulted in the kidnapping of the crew and theft/attempted theft of cargo.
In addition to referring to the most recent version of the Best Management Practices for Protection against Somalia Based Piracy (BMP5) we encourage Members’ to register their company and vessels (dependent on the area of operation) with the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP ISC), IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC), the Maritime Security Centre – Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) and the United Kingdom Marine Trade Operations (UKMTO).
The afore mentioned bodies can assist operators:
- ReCAAP promotes and enhances cooperation against piracy and armed robbery in Asia by exchanging information among contracting parties on incidents of piracy and armed robbery.
- IMB PRC acts as a single point of contact for shipmasters trading worldwide whose vessels have been attacked or robbed by pirates. All information received is immediately relayed to the local law enforcement agencies requesting assistance. Information is also immediately broadcast to all vessels in the Ocean region.
- MSCHOA provides 24-hour manned monitoring of vessels transiting through the Gulf of Aden, east coast of Africa and Indian Ocean areas. In addition, it provides the latest anti-piracy guidance and allows vessels to register their movements through the region.
- UKMTO provides Maritime Safety Guidance (MSG) for vessels operating in the Voluntary Reporting Area (VRA). The information circulated includes information of suspect vessels in the VRA and any maritime incidents which may affect your vessel/s.
We also recommend that Members consult the following articles, published by the Club, for more information:
- Humanitarian support of seafarers and their families in cases of armed robbery and piracy attacks
- Piracy FAQ’s – Updated
- Surge in Piracy attacks
The Club wishes to refer Members to updated guidance on Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy and Enhance Security in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea (BMP5) issued in June 2018.
The International Chambers of Commerce (ICC), International Maritime Bureau (IMB) have published their ICC IMB Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships – 2018 Annual Report, which analyses global piracy attacks and trends in the maritime industry. Free copies of the IMB quarterly and annual reports can be requested from the ICC website.
The International Group, in partnership with shipping industry associations, have launched new maritime security guidance. The Best Management Practices, West Africa is a new addition to the established BMP series and provides threat mitigation guidance on counter-piracy/armed robbery at sea. The new BMP should help companies and mariners to risk assess voyages and mitigate external threats to their safety while operating in and around the coast of West Africa, including the Gulf of Guinea. The BMP West Africa is accessible at https://www.igpandi.org/article/best-management-practices-piracy-and-armed-robbery-west-africa