Plain Language Policies 2025 - changes with explanations - Translations
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- Plain Language Policies 2025 - changes with explanations - Translations
The Club is pleased to share the translations of the changes (with explanations) to the Plain Language Policies for 2025.
The Club is pleased to share translations of the changes to the Fishing Liability Insurance Policy for policies incepting 1 January 2025.
Dutch - Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering voor vissersvaartuigen
French - Police D'assurance responsabilité civile liée aux navires de pêche
German - Haftpflicht-versicherungs police für fischereifahrzeuge
Italian - Polizza Assicurativa di Responsabilità Civile Pescherecci
Spanish - Póliza de responsabilidad civil de barco pesquero
The Club is pleased to share translations of the changes to the Passenger Liability Insurance Policy for policies incepting 1 January 2025.
Dutch - Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering voor kleinere passagiersschepen
French - Police d’assurance responsabilité civile liée aux navires à passagers
German - Haftpflicht-versicherungspolice für kleinere passagierschiffe
Italian - Polizza Assicurativa di Responsabilità Civile per Piccole Imbarcazioni
Portuguese - Seguro de Responsabilidade Para Navio de Passageiros Para Embarcações Menores
Spanish - Póliza de Seguro de Responsabilidad para Buques de Pasajeros más pequeños
The Club is pleased to share translations of the changes to the Liability Insurance Policy for European Inland Craft for policies incepting 20 February 2025.
Dutch - Aansprakelijkheidsverzekering voor europese binnenvaartschepen
French - Police d’assurance responsabilité civile liée à la navigation intérieure Européenne
German - Haftpflicht-versicherungspolice für europäische binnenschiffe
The Club is pleased to share translations of the changes to the Yacht Liability Insurance Policy for policies incepting 1 January 2025.
French - Police d’assurance responsabilité civile liee à la navigation de plaisance
German - Yacht-Haftpflichtversicherung
Italian - Polizza Assicurativa di Responsabilità Civile Yacht
Spanish - Póliza de Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil Sobre Yates